Saturday 21 November 2009

UT 1 are over

UT 1 are over! But... All flung... Sian! Can you please wake up Dareld! UT 2 and 3 are no joke! And especially this Final Semester with a Final Year Project! Take it seriously man! It's already last semester! It may be the last time I am a Student oredi! Gakusei Gakusei Gakusei!

Boku wa motto motto Gabaremasu!

Well today's T314 Studio Techniques UT 1 I think weren't that bad as compared to the other module UT 1. I hope I can do better for this Final Semester! I must work harder! So after UT today, De Hui, Allison and me went to Tanjong Pagar for De Hui's PP poster because tmr he got PP Assessment and because he didn't take PP during Year 2. HAHA! After that we went to Tanjong Pagar Hawker for Dinner. HAHA! I had Braised Duck Rice and while eating I was actually keeping my eyes around the Hawker and I was later looking on the Duck Rice Stall. Where I see one of the Big Sign, "Braised Duck" So something came into my mind that make my um chio while eating and while trying hard not to smile. LOL! HARD SIA!

I was thinking why and how the word Braised come about. Then I have funny thought. It's about Brotherly Love... LOL! Braised... It's raised well, slowly and good by B rother. That's why it's Braised! With a B infront of Raised.

Theoretically it means "Cook food on low heat" Hmm... Quite match. LOL! Okie I know that's random and lame... For a particular day like this for me. Maybe UT 1 end and I am feeling less stressful? HAHAHA!

Then after eating we headed right to Concorde Meridien to Play LAN Left 4 Death where we were tempted while taking train earlier on. Out of the Blue... When we reach Concorde Meridien, the LAN shop had already closed down. But Opposite the shop there was another one where I thought they shift unit. But it's also doesn't seems like it because no one were inside and there were also a few Tables and PCs left in the previous unit. We were like turn off... The reason why I chose to go over there because it's only $2/hr and the place and PCs weren't that bad.

Then I thought of changing plan for Pool instead but then Allison suggested to go to The Grand Cathay where there is a LAN shop there. So we went there walking spending around 15 mins plus going into LEFTFOOT. I so wanting to get the New Asics Onitsuka Tiger. LOL! But budget... +++ I got one and the base colour is roughly the same. White is I have but the one I wanted is Beige.

Finally we were in the LAN shop and guess what. We actually wanted to play Left 4 Death 1 but over the LAN Shop there in The Grand Cathay have Left 4 Death 2. LOL! So we tried that. I find it wasn't that bad as compared to Left 4 Death 1. HAHA! It's fun! Nice especially Strong close Teamwork is advisable and Important in the game. HAHA! Well we were stucked at one of a part because as compared to Left 4 Death 1, Part 2 Zombies are more stronger and they have stronger Zombies kept on Spawning to attack you. HAHA! Tanker kept on coming too. Most of the Zombies were just too Persistence.

After 2 hours of playing, we went back home straight to rest. And I reached home completed my Quiz, Evaluation and RJ within 30 mins. HAHA! Long I think.

And Clarissa, don't just say I spoil your Daily Routine and you just signed out. Will feel Guilty leh! LOL!

"I just want to work hard and be a Student. More like a Learner."

Dareld Tan

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