Tuesday 17 November 2009

Finally got some little time to post?

Finally got little time to post... HAHA! Somebody ask me to post... LOL! Opps Opps!

Recently got UTs, I got total of 4 UTs but now left with 2 UTs... Both Paper I taken are... CMI... Both are so hard lah. I even think this last Semester I cannot Graduate... It's like too stress with School and FYP. But Seriously, have to move on.

Have to have Faith and Belief in myself. JIA YOU to my Friends around me too! I must Fight on!

Well tmr I have my Postponed Mid-Term Assessment Individual Presentation to my FYP Supervisor. I have to start doing my PPT now. It's getting late...

Well, I will continue to blog again...

Sorry People.


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