Well that classmate of mine, also my Team mate! Came to class on Monday 29-6-09. He later report himself to Facilitator saying he feeling cold. Ehh.. NO NO! He didn't say anything loh. Until another team mate of mine, Yue Yu started noticing he got red eyes. LOL! Just like LuoHan fish like that. Then we decided to inform our facilitator. Well, I didn't know he was feeling unwell lah...... So my facilitator went to ask him. Then he started saying he was feeling cold and earlier on he got fever. We all were like WHAT THE ?! ... Gross! Ho Sei oredi! (Mean Good Game oredi! LOL!) Then my facilitator insisted him to go consult a doctor because he wasn't feeling well. So he went off.
Then today, around 2.54pm I received an SMS! From RP! Saying I will be on Holiday! YAY! Siao... It's LOA! Sian... But before I received the sms, Yue Yu called me over to see her conversation with my that Classmate who were sick the day before.
He said doctor said he confirmed case! H1N1... Yue Yu was like feeling unbelivable type and I was like don't know feeling what in me. Was kinda like... Good Game... We contacted a H1N1 cases... Then while I was web caming with Clarissa and were also msning my friend I received the sms from RP at 2.54pm! At that time a lot of student who were in the Monday class received. Including one of my friend that I chatted with him in MSN!
My facilitator for Monday Data Commnication lesson, MR KOH CHEE KIAT were asked to leave for LOA too... SIAN! He will be damn sian... LOL!
Then suddenly, my facilitator for today's lesson got rather surprised! It's because today's class got so many student from Monday lesson?! Seems like almost half of the class were being contacted with H1N1. LOL! Then everybody started laughing and like celebrating for getting LOA! HAHA! But one thing for sure we were rather scared of the H1N1...
I was also feeling weird today as after receiving the sms on LOA, I started to cough a bit, having some muscles aches and feeling fatigue. Am I ok? I shall Take Good Care of myself...
I will be on 1 week LOA! I wonder if e-learning is difficult... AHHH! LOL!
It's pretty crazy that it's a H1N1 and everybody who received LOA was feeling damn high, excited and Happy for it! LOL! Are we people ok?
An random picture of me after DBL O and O BAR! I look drunk right? No lah, I was tipsy only. LOL!
Oh yeah! Speaking of O BAR and DBL O! It's simply rock lah! I love the 2 club so much as the DJ Groove because he knows what Music that will makes us move... LOL! And the Drinks there are so great!
There's one Brazilian soccer song, Oooooo Wa ii ya la doo... O bar O bar O bar! LOL!!!
Dareld Tan
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